职场女性我不知道我身边的更不知道了不过我会看简介会看完剧再评整部剧唯一吸引我的是台词及剧情人物设定很饱满都能记住并且有意义的存在看前面我也觉得很多情节很突兀视频有明显的剪辑和修改的痕迹飞燕金刀这个可以去看第一版预告可以看到针对很多人说女主老男主呆的事 女主的设定年龄在34岁的成熟女性职场工作中律师没有些年龄感谁相信她混过职场啊这些性格与行事作风上就突出女主是个在谈判上的高手男主前面呆萌很像弟弟啊有些搞笑资深宅男
依旧是招牌式Linslater的话痨关于宇宙时间生命和梦境看到存在主义那段就决定满分了If you say yes to one instant, then you say yes to all existence; Have you ever wondered that whether you are a dying old woman lying in her deathbed, hence everything around is your stay; What we did not take into account when we were young was our endless curiosity; I am afraid of losing the virtues of living life passionately, the sense of taking responsibility for who you are, the ability to make something of yourself and feel good about life. Existentialism is often discussed as if it is a philosophy of despair, but I think the truth is just the opposite _ It is always our decision who we are.